Engaging Young Children During Reading Aloud Experiences
Ms Miriam Schembri is a retired senior manager with The National Literacy Agency. She led the Reading for Pleasure Programmes department within the Agency. Amongst other programmes, she co-ordinated the reading aloud sessions ‘Aqra Miegħi/Read with me’ for babies and toddlers and ‘Seħer l-Istejjer/The Magic of Stories’ for older children. By profession, she is an Early Years Educator. Miriam, worked as a Kindergarten educator for 30 years and part time tutor and Teaching Practice Examiner with the University of Malta. Miriam is currently an ECDAM committee member and secretary. She has provided CPD sessions for early years educators in diverse areas. Lately, her focus has been in promoting the love and joy of reading to children from an early age. This has also led her to author some books for young children.
Presenter: Ms Miriam Schembri
Venue: Online via Zoom
Event Date: 19 Oct 2023
Event Time: 06:00 PM
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