Parents' Experiences of Parent Partnership in Maltese Childcare Centres
Ms Luana Spiteri currently works as an Early Intervention Practitioner. In 2019, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Health and Social Care Management. While pursuing her degree, Luana started working in various social care settings, primarily in children's homes, supporting children from diverse backgrounds and with different needs. Ms Spiteri continues to support these settings on a part-time basis. In 2021, Luana began her Master Degree in Access to Education in Inclusive Schools and Communities. This was a rewarding journey for her as she enhanced her skills and competencies in both school and community settings. This learning journey also helped her in her work as she worked closely with families and childcare centres. In 2025, Luana was awarded her Master Degree. Her thesis focused on ‘Parents' Experiences of Parent Partnership in Maltese Childcare Centres’.
Over the years, she has observed varying levels of parent participation Maltese childcare centres, ranging from basic involvement to practices that empower parental engagement. Through this study Ms Spiteri wanted to establish a platform for parents to share their experiences, shedding light on their perception of parent partnership and its manifestation within their child’s childcare setting. Also, it aimed to explore the parental role in their children’s education journey, identifying their engagement level and how it is being perceived.
Presenter: Ms Luana Spiteri
Venue: Online via Zoom
Event Date: 16 Apr 2025
Event Time: 06:00 PM
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