Myriad of Discourse – Quality Approaches for Early Reading with Under-threes
This presentation seeks to highlight how the policy discourse of assessment and accountability influences pedagogy for children under three years of age which consequently impacts on the quality of provision for early reading. Early reading is a phenomenon that is both confused and confusing for the ECEC workforce internationally. Curriculum policy, ‘governance’ and compliance shapes early reading provision and pedagogy for under-threes, against the autonomy of the professional workforce. This presentation seeks to investigate the experiences and challenges of the EYEs within an interpretive, constructivist paradigm. In essence, what the EYEs do with under-threes to support early reading on a daily basis and the rationale for this. It will outline the findings of an empirical research study exploring how Early Years Educators (EYEs) support under-threes with their early reading development. The findings highlight that the accountability policy and the school readiness agenda influences the EYEs views and beliefs about early reading, and also the quality of their practice with under-threes. This myriad of discourse is confusing for EYEs, often resulting in under-threes not fully engaging with early reading media, given the policy discourse and focus on the teaching of phonics in England.
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Presenter: Dr Karen Boardman
Venue: Online via Zoom
Event Date: 04 Feb 2021
Event Time: 06:00 PM
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