Tools for Tots: Exploring Irish children's experiences of real tool use in the early years sector
Chloe Keegan has a decade of experience working in the field of early childhood education ranging from a practicing educator and manager in services to now as an Early Childhood Specialist for outdoor and nature pedagogy. She has lectured on various early childhood programmes over the years and currently lectures in Maynooth University on the early childhood degree programme. Chloe is in her final year of her PhD in Philosophy of Education where she is researching GoPro cameras as a research method for children to use to document their experiences within regimented preschool routines and analysing the power dynamics that exist between adults and children within the early years environment. Chloe's work is heavily motivated by her passion for children's participation rights and the need for children's voices to be heard and implemented authentically in policy and legislation where power is understood to be an influencing factor on the agentic experiences of children in early childhood education.
Presenter: Ms Chloe Keegan
Venue: Online via Zoom
Event Date: 25 Jan 2024
Event Time: 06:00 PM
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